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Who knew that there would be so many horny swingers in the City of Churches at Easter?!

Updated: May 22, 2019

When I was vanilla, Easter long weekends were fun times at the shack with the children making treasured memories. I remember those days fondly :) So we figured people would be doing family stuff during Easter, and our party would be quieter than usual, but how wrong we were! Our Easter Bunny Open Party was booked out over a week in advance, and it was a full house on Saturday night. Who would have thought that there would be so many horny swingers in the City of Churches at Easter time?!

Right on 8.30pm, the doorbell rings and from then till 10pm, there is a constant stream of guests coming through. I have mild prosopagnosia (inability to recognize faces) and so I am taking a turn at the reception desk in an effort to get better at remembering names and faces. It helps a little, but I will still need a lot of practice!

I just love theme parties! Everyone enters in street clothing, and then 10 minutes later all these sexy creatures emerge from the change room! Tonight, rabbit ears abound, and everyone looks fabulous. The party is in full swing by the time I join the crowd, lots of happy chattering and sexy flirting going on. The massage tables are always popular, and it’s not long before a cute bunny is bent over one and receiving a spanking with ears bouncing and bobtail wiggling. Throughout the night, many willing hands are rubbing down many happy bodies with massage oil, and it’s really quite a turn-on listening and watching the squeals and moans! I make my way around, re-acquainting with our regulars, and chatting to a few newcomers. I keep an eye on goings-on, and there is often a lot going on! There is a huge puppy pile of people snuggling in the corner at one stage (I couldn’t resist jumping on top of them!), and then I think I count about 15 people in all manner of entanglement on the orgy bed! I check on the dungeon periodically, and it’s often chock full of people writhing and humping, with a delightful cacophony of screams and groans and heavy breathing accompanying.

I spy what I’m looking for this one time: a familiar pair of powerful legs sticking out from under a sexy figure grinding on his hips. My heart skips a beat; I know what that hot, thick muscle feels like inside me. I want to stay and watch, but I don’t. This is the first time he is having a full-on play session without me (although I’ve been a swinger for 20 years, my relationship with him is only 2+ years old), and I’m a little anxious. Will this be so mind-blowing that I will no longer be good enough? Will he still want me? But at the same time, I am so very happy for him. He is having sooo much fun, and is in the midst of an experience most only ever dream about. I peek in at him and his playmates every now and then, and he’s having the time of his life. He’s a beautiful man, and he looks so sexy as he thrusts into a beautiful woman whilst wearing nothing but a bowtie! I come up behind him at one point and wrap my arms around him, and he turns and kisses me deeply. He doesn’t miss a beat as she moans in response to his cock still thrusting deep inside her, whilst his tongue dances in my mouth. I press the full length of my still fully-clothed body against his nakedness from behind, and hump against him pushing him deeper into her. She groans and pushes back into him, so I grab her sweaty hips and pull her in to us. We do this for a couple of minutes before I kiss him again, and reluctantly leave them to it, to get back to work. Here we are, the irony of it: the pros and cons of running a swingers party all-in-one! Haha, no matter ... I have had (and will have) plenty of other opportunities to play at other times.

I am busy throughout the night, picking up empty bottles, cleaning spills, maintaining toilets and bathrooms, as well as answering guest queries “Do you have any hair ties?”, and handing out Easter egg prizes. Quite a few eggs didn’t get found unfortunately, note to self: hide in more obvious places next time! By the time the last guest leaves, we are all bone tired. The day had started 12 hours ago with cleaning and preparing the house for the party, and we are coming back the next day to clean up and restore order. Catch up sex with him will just have to wait .... sleep trumps sex sometimes!

As one guest put it to me: I have the best job in the world!

Wendee x

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